French Fridays with Dorie
I finally got to these Tuna Stuffed Piquillo Peppers! With just under 300 recipes, cooking all of Around My French Table is no small task. And yet that is exactly what dozens of home-cooks pledged to do back in 2010 swhen they signed up for the online cooking group, “French Friday’s with Dorie.” I doubt any of us had any idea what we were getting ourselves into, or how our blogs and our lives would change as a result.
As we wind down this not-really-all-that-final chapter, each in our own ways, we have been asked to reflect and share our final thoughts as we finish up. Bear with me as this week, specifically, we have been asked to share our “aha! moment” defined here as “your favorite, loved the most, best recipe.” To make this impossible task only a tiny bit easier, we are encouraged to share our top five recipes from the book itself.
Not surprisingly, this was not a welcome task for most of us Doristas. How do you choose only five? Having to choose at all only underscores the finality of this long-term project.
I had to sit with the book for nearly an hour, making list after list, reviewing techniques and ingredients, before suddenly realizing that my “aha moment” wasn’t any of these recipes at all.
It was an event.
In the late summer of 2013 one very clever Dorista, Susan, discovered that Dorie Greenspan was been slated to be the keynote speaker at Seattle’s annual International Food Blogger Conference. Wouldn’t it be a good idea to see how many of fellow Doristas could make the trek across country to see our maestro (maestro?) in the flesh? Of course it was a very exciting lure getting to meet Dorie in person and all, but even more so, it would be the very first time many of us would meet the many friends we had already spent several years getting to know through our posts.
It turned out to be something quite astounding.
We showed up to “meet” each other already knowing about each other’s husbands, long time companions, children, and grandchildren. We already knew each other’s favorite vacation spots, food aversions, health issues, proudest work accomplishments, and even the individual senses of humor that individualized each other in our prose. Upon first sight we gibby-gabbed like long lost childhood friends.
And once Dorie acknowledged us from her speaker’s podium we would sit like royalty in the conference sessions. While sitting at that huge round table across these fellow bloggers, these friends, that I had my aha moment: this group, cobbled together through our weekly posts, was very much a real thing and not just a blog thing. Even the members I had not yet met (and probably never would) became just as real to me as those who were sitting right in front of me.
I had been entertaining thoughts of taking a more relaxed approach to my participation when I got home but those thoughts vaporized in the Seattle atmosphere. French Fridays became very much a permanent commitment, for better or worse, and I was now as much committed to the these bloggers as I was to finishing the book itself. We were like a family.
And as it so often is with family, things would not always be perfect. We would squabble. We would get jealous. We could be critical. Some members would form tighter bonds with some more than with others. Others would decide to go their our own way to be true to themselves although they would always be welcomed back at our French tables. Like real families, the French Friday’s family was now a tribe much larger than the sum of its parts — and everyone in Seattle could feel it.
I’m sure it had to have changed a bit for the many more members who weren’t there in attendance that weekend. Inspired by our meeting so many more members throughout the world (for we are a global group) started setting out to meet the others who lived or travelled near them. So much so that I can’t even keep track anymore of who has met each other.
I don’t think anyone ever expected this to happen when they set out to make gourgeres that very first week in 2011:
From Left: Karen Reinsch, Liz Berg, Patty Price, Betsy Pollack, Alice Mizer, Michelle Biehl, Kathy Van Bruinisse, The Last Surviving Male Dorista, Adriana Angelet, and Cher Rockwell.
Ms. Greenspan would speak of many things from the keynote podium that weekend. Although she shared many lessons learned along her path toward culinary superstardom, one utterance in particular would resonate so strongly with me it provided another “aha moment” that weekend. She stressed the importance she always placed on “the work”, especially in in those moments when she doubted what it was she was actually doing, or in those times she was anxious over not having having any control over it.
“Just do the work you are going to be proud of and the rest will happen”.
So simple, right?
It iI have tried (not always successfully) to hold onto this maxim ever since I first heard it. I call it “The Dorie Principle” and have come to find that it not only applies to what I try to do here online, but it carries over just as truthfully to every other activity in life. Most of life is uncontrollable after all, so in truth the only thing we have a choice about is how we feel about our own participation in it.
Just do what makes you proud and the rest will follow.
“Speak from the heart. Focus on the work. Say yes and follow your dreams.”
Which brings me (finally) to this recipe for Tuna Stuffed Piquillo Peppers. Finally, the Tuna Stuffed Piquillo Peppers that I promised I would finally get to.
These Tuna Stuffed Piquillo Peppers were due to be posted by the group on Friday, September 20th, 2013. It was the very day I arrived in Seattle and met a whole gaggle of Doristas in person. (Three or more Doristas make a “gaggle”.) I had whipped them up more than two weeks prior (as easy a recipe as you can imagine) but was suffering from an intense writers block brought on in part by the anxiety of the trip.
When I returned home from Seattle it didn’t get any easier. There was pressure to post about the event and to post links and review the event sponsors and the obligations took their toll on my writing psyche. I just sort of shut down. That type of writing just isn’t the kind of blogging I just was proud of I guess.
And so these fantastic peppers never got their due. Which is ok, because this happened instead:
Dorie Greenspan and I were dressed by the same stylist so we would be just this color coordinated for photos.
and also this:
Doristas with yours truly, clockwise from upper left: Mary Hirsch, Cher Rockwell, Patty Price, Dorista for the weekend Garret McCord, Dorie Greenspan, Adriana Angelet, Susan Lester, Liz Berg, Michele Biehl, Betsy Pollack, Liz again, and Kathy Van Bruinsse. (Not pictured here: Guyla Mayo, Alice Mizer, Karen Reincsh, Tricia Stormer and Nana Di Domenico. (Yes Nana, that is what I call you now.)
Tuna Stuffed Piquillo Peppers
You can find the super-easy recipe here.
My top 5 recipes from Around My French Table
The only way I could tackle this impossible task is to break it down by book chapter and choose from each:
Nibbles and Hors d’Oeuvres
Cheez-it-sh Crackers – If you are like me and essentially cook to get attention, then these are the pre-dinner nibbles for you. Until I had made these cheese flavored ‘its’ I had not understood the imperative to make crackers at home. Who does that? But then I boxed these up quite nicely, took them to a dinner party, the watched the hostess take a bite-bite and then put them away in the other room so she could enjoy later them all by herself! (These would be great on a tray with some stuffed piquillo peppers now that I think of it.)
(Appetizer Honorable Mention goes to Mustard Batons. When you have a package of puff pastry in your freezer, the world really can be yours.)
Chestnut Pear Soup – Having never roasted chestnuts over an open fire, these buggers were a revelation for me. Using them in a soup was something I had never even heard of. Now it this dish is a regular holiday dinner preparation around here.
(Honorable Mention must go to Cheating On Winter Pea Soup . I loved the memories it brought but I also now must adore it because my photograph of it remains one of my favorites.)
Salads, Starters, and Small Plates
Creamy Mushrooms and Eggs – Its no secret how much I love stuff-on-toast. This dish is the ultimate and never fails to impress when whipped up as a spur-of-the-moment weekend brunch or lunch treat.
(Naturally I must give Honorable Mention to Gerard’s Mustard Tart. So colorful, so easy, so elegant. Even though I was unfamiliar with it at the outset, cooking the dish flooded me with memories so strong my writing about it won a local award. It was also the first post that Dorie herself dropped by to leave a comment. You always remember your first.)
Chicken and Duck
Chicken B’stilla – There were not many dishes in Around My French Table which I had no experiences with whatsoever. This was one of them and it was so SO very good. This dish also had a hand in igniting my “torrid friendship” with Trix, a lapsed Dorista from way back.
(Honorable Mention goes to Chicken Breasts Diable. This by the sheer force of my mother-in-law’s considerable will. It is her number one request when it is my turn to cook dinner for her. Also I’m a bit of a mustard freak myself so she never has to twist my arm that hard.)
Beef, Veal, Pork and Lamb
Hachis Parmentier – When you are a member of a family where “only the close family” means 12 or more can show up for dinner with only a few hours notice, you must be on the lookout for dishes like this one. (This picture also reminds me just how far my food photography skills have come during this adventure!)
(Boeuf a la ficelle is a beef dinner in its simplest, most pure form. It gets honorable mention for no other reason than that. If you are lucky enough to have any leftovers, the fact that you can make a pretty killer beef salad with them the next day is a plus.)
Fish and Shellfish
Mussels and Chorizo with or without Pasta – Mussels are one of my favorite dishes to order while on vacation in far away lands. It never EVER occurred to me to make them at home. Now they are a favorite. Usually I had been a ‘purist’ and always ordered them mariniere, but after experiencing these moules I am much more adventurous with their preparation.
(Honorable mention to Salmon and Tomatoes en Papillote for no other reason than I think this is the dish I have made more often than any other from the book. In fact, I KNOW it must be as I make this nearly every week for dinner.)
Vegetables and Grain
Cardamom Rice Pilaf – The fact that this is a Dorista favorite is undeniable. It is for one very good reason. It is simply fantastic.
(Give it up for Go With Everything Celery Root Puree as it gets honorable mention because it really does go with everything. Your company will marvel and will always ask for the recipe. )
Obviously it is going to be hard to choose a favorite desert but the Paris-Brest pastry wins out. Until I made this I never knew I could. Cream-filled pastries are the sort of things I assumed you HAD to go out and buy. I believe this was one of my most proud Dorista moments.
Of course no list of favorites, even lists that contain Tuna Stuffed Piquillo Peppers, would be complete without the inclusion of Marie-Hélène’s Apple Cake. This one recipe is worth the price of the entire book if for no other reason knowing you will never be at a loss for the most perfect dessert for any occasion. Ever. I implore you to memorize it (or keep a copy in your suitcase as I do) as it is most fun to cook it in other people’s kitchen while they watch. I have a particular affection for this dessert as it also forced me to learn the foreign language keystrokes on my computer.
I have a few more recipes yet to share in the coming weeks so don’t go away!
Love your list. I so hope that I’m able to meet some Doristas in real life one of these days!
I hope so too Eileen. It is such a thrill!
Trevor, you can call me Nana anytime. That is a beautiful post, so well written and such true feelings I think we
all have. All of your choices are great, and I agree, the Paris-Brest dessert was truly a favorite of mine simply because I never thought I could accomplish anything like that. Have a great weekend.
Thank you Nana!
I love your recap – you should be very proud of the work you share with us. Meeting Doristas beyond the computer screen was definitely a game changer a scant two years go.
(My heart swells a bit
Knowing there’s still room for me
At the French table)
That table is large
with room there to fit us all.
(and Marie-Hélène )
Trevor I am envious of the time and thought you put into this post. I really need to slow down and digest this group… literally! I thought about putting the tuna stuffed piquillo peppers on my list.. they were genuinely outstanding, and I can still remember my first bit of the Paris Brest… you are so right amazing, but I can’t let my daughter make it again, never… I would eat the whole thing. Even with the posts coming to an end you are right… this is a REAL group of people who genuinely enjoy each others company and I hope, with a little effort we will stay connected. It’s been real, thanks.
Thank you Diane. Its funny how a post I have been trying to get up for two years only took two minutes yesterday to finally write. I do adore these peppers and will have them again for lunch. They are a staple around here. If I had a daughter who baked Paris Brests I would be fat indeed! How can you say no?
What a beautiful post! We share same favourites and after seeing your photo, I’m seriously considering running out to the fishmonger’s and deli so that I can have the mussels tonight – so delicious! I agree that the biggest aha has been that a community could emerge from an online cooking group (though I think my role is, sadly, the annoying cousin who manages to miss all the family reunions).
I think that was everyone’s aha moment so it was nice to be able to remind us all…my annoying cousin Teresa!
Trevor, you are so right – this group is not just a virtual connection, it is real! I am sad that I could not have also attended Seattle and met up with the group and Dorie there, but even all the way Down Under, I have felt a very real connection with the people in this group. I have also recently had the wonderful experience of meeting some Doristas in person. I like that you chose a favourite recipe from each category – I just sat down and went through my posts, wrote down all the ones that I seemed most excited about, then chose the most likely contenders from that list. I had way more than five!
I hope more will get the thrill of finally meeting Doristas in person! I enjoyed your list!
So many of your recipes made my short list (and might make an appearance over the next few weeks). Love those peppers, and they look beautiful. Lovely post.
Thank you Candy! Somewhat Ironic they weren’t on my favorites list but they are so colorful and tasty I do hope everyone remembers them!
I LOVE this post. Trevor you have hit the nail on the head – the “Aha” moment came for me a few months in when I realised that “this” was bigger than just a weekly post on my blog. Actually, I could barely tear myself away from simply choosing the gougères as my #1 recipe because they are STILL one of my favourites . We share a few choices here 🙂 And hopefully one day *I* will get to meet you in person. Because even though “this” is done for some of us, the community will last much longer than the blog posts…
I think we’ll meet Mardi. And I hope it is in Paris because I’m so itching to get there again and it would be lovely to set Around a French Table with you.
Wonderful trip down memory lane and all those photos. An unexpected perk of this group has been the warm welcome. I enjoyed your list and have made a fair number of them. I am now compiling my to cook next list and those crackers and the apple cake will be on the top. I won’t go away and look forward to the rest of your posts.
I still have a few oddballs to do (caviar aspic anyone) so they will probably take some months to complete lest we have a dinnertime revolution in this house. I wish I had the apple cake to do over and over!
Love your post … as always. You are thoughtful and careful and I respect that immensely. I met Dorie just as the FFwD group was beginning and that meeting has motivated me since. She has a sincere, warm spirit that welcomes everyone and excludes no one. I reunited with her last year and … nothing about her has changed. She’s just lovely and the glue that binds us all. I will always regret missing that IFBC when you all were here! And I LIVE here!!
Couldn’t have said it better Tammy. It is always so lovely to be with her and be on the receiving end of her attentions.
What a great journey. I can’t wait till Fall to make that apple cake. I wonder what would happen if I did it with peaches and bourbon!
Hmmm….. I happen to have a basket of nectarines waiting to ripe in the kitchen. I may just tell you.
Beautiful. Not only the food, but the story as well. And what an epiphany to have, my friend.
A wonderful recap, Trevor. And, you are right, that was the true beginning of our group bonding together. Susan Lester mentioned that Dorie was speaking at the Seattle IFBC and it wasn’t hard to gather Doristas to attend the conference to support Dorie. Susan and I thought we’d do our breakfast meet and greet with Dorie and then everyone would go their separate way. Not so. For the entire conference we were a “merry little French Fridays band of Doristas”. And, we have been ever since that fabulous long weekend.
I love this post Trevor!! You have a wonderful gift for writing, and putting into words how so many of us feel! Thoughtful and reflective! Seattle was marvelous! This is the perfect Aha moment!! You know I never posted those peppers either…I think it’s time!
Great choices…so many that were on my long list! Especially the Paris Brest and Marie Helenes’ Apple cake! And because of Dorie I am now a fan of mussels…who knew?
Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
I utterly adore this post. You really touched me with your recollections and you captured the emotions many of us have felt. I also personally love the fact that my Mom is referred to as Nana by so many people. Badge of honor and all that. My sons think it is pretty cool too 🙂 Fun choices and I especially loved your shout out to your Mother in Law a la Chicken Diable. That one is one of my favorites indeed. The apple cake is the first recipe my Mom and I did for FFWD so it will always hold a special place in our hearts. 🙂
oh man, the B’Stilla was the death of me! That thing I worked so hard on it and I didnt like it at all! 🙁
Love your list and I have to agree – IFBC was such a high point for our group! Really amazing! I think we all felt like royalty that entire weekend!
Oh, Trevor! I am so happy to have made this journey with you! And even happier to know that we have more in common than FFWD so that we can continue our friendship. This is a wonderful post full of happy memories for us all!
It’s posts like this that confirms what a special man you are. I love your cooking, that’s a given but it’s the person behind the spoon that’s really touched my heart.
Lovely words, Trevor. As one of the late joiners who then needed to step away, I enjoyed the weekly group cooking w/the Doristas tremendously and carry many of you in my heart. Perhaps we will meet, perhaps not, but surely what we shared is real. Bissous! And bon Appetit! Amy
Trevor, your post is a lovely tribute to Dorie, Around My French Table, Doristas, andblogging groups everywhere! Plus, you’ve compiled an excellent list:) Your photos are always beautiful and interesting!
Trevor, this is a beautiful post! I love your AHA moments about the friendships with all of the Doristas. Even those of us that are lapsed. 😉 You created a fantastic list to go along with your stunning photos! 🙂
Another Dorista post that’s making me teary this week. I’m glad to be family with you. How is that there’s just one remaining male Dorista in the group? Why did the other ones bail? Picking my category made a hard task easier. Lots of overlap in my top 5 and honorable mentions with yours. I know this won’t be the end of our merry band of Doristas.
I can’t help but be reminded of a commencement speech (a delicious commencement speech). So I’ll just say ‘congratulations graduate’. XOGREG
Wow, this was an amazing post! I love how everyone has come up with their own way to “cheat” on the top 5 list. There really was no way to limit it to just 5. If I could go back to 2013, I would have tried harder to fit the IFBC into my schedule; it would have been so lovely to meet Dorie and of course the Doristas.
You said it perfectly.
I still smell cinnamon…and never be the last one to leave the party (leave them wanting more).
It truly has been about the people. I can’t imagine any other group that would compel me to travel 3,000 miles to hang out with a group of people I only knew from on-line. If either of my daughters tried to do that, I would lock them in a room. (I wonder how many of us need to be locked in a room just as a matter of principle…)
Please tell me that your last post will be a haiku post. (Don’t make me beg, though; it’s not becoming.)
Oh, this may be your best post ever! You are so spot on by the Doristas being family–and the bond we had instantaneously when we all met up in Seattle. Your photos are making me want to go back and remake some of those earlier recipes—how I wouldn’t love a bowl of Cheez-It-ish crackers right now. I’m SO glad you’re the last surviving male Dorista. xoxo
ooooh creamy mushroom and eggs….. swoon! 🙂 great list! Looks like we feel the same way about IFBC – so glad you decided to go! 🙂