Christmas with Southern California Style

Last night we were invited to spend the evening at what is probably the most quintessential Southern California Christmas event: The Newport Harbor Parade of Lights. Its an event that has actually been going on for over 100 years. 100’s of ships and homes along the harbor participate by loading up on festive lights. Caitie and Gillian from work live near the festivities and invited us over to sip wine, hang out, and watch the parade. Usually I’m all about the boats but this year I focused mostly on the outrageous home decorations. Some of them came complete with animated characters!

This snow scene was actually out in someone’s font yard! Yes, suppose it can bet a bit tacky for sure but it is also so uniquely Southern Californian that you can’t fight the joy of it all very long. Viewing it just never fails to put me in the Christmas spirit even after I braving the insane traffic and parking situation required to get to where you can view it.

Simple photography couldn’t do this house justice. I had to figure out how to use the video on my camera:

We might have to get back down there before it is over in a few days.

About Trevor Kensey

I don't know what “Sis. Boom. [blog!]" means either. But, if a post makes even a small 'boom' in your day, I would be happy. Please don't call me a "foodie", or even a food blogger. I prefer "food raconteur" thank you very much.
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