Basque Potato Tortilla

French Fridays with Dorie

Basque Potato Tortilla

This is my last minute contribution to this week’s French Friday’s with Dorie project. Please pardon my brevity with this post but I barely have a minute to spare with Friday in my particular time zone. When I got home tonight I realized I hadn’t planned anything for dinner. No problem because this “tortilla” is really what we usually have for dinner when I haven’t planned anything. Only we call it a “frittata” and my man calls it an “omelet”. (In my book its not an omelet unless it has a flip!) So I wonder if “Basque” means ” clean out the fridge” since that is what this dish is truly about. Artichoke hearts, green onions, red peppers, bacon, cheese bits, frozen or fresh spinach, garlic… nothing is safe from the skillet frittata. Nor should it be. The dish makes everything into a dish worthy of a few pages in a best selling cookbook. That said, I’ve never made it with potatoes.

Basque Potato Tortilla Basque Potato Tortilla

From beginning to end this dish takes no more than 35 minutes. Check out the rest of the Dorista’s Tortilla efforts here. They came up with some pretty great variations on this one too!

Basque Potato Tortilla

Basque Potato Tortilla


About Trevor Kensey

I don't know what “Sis. Boom. [blog!]" means either. But, if a post makes even a small 'boom' in your day, I would be happy. Please don't call me a "foodie", or even a food blogger. I prefer "food raconteur" thank you very much.
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  1. Yummy! I love all your add-ins too. It’s like going to a self-serve frozen yogurt place and adding everything. Well, except it’s hot. And not sweet. And well, you know… 🙂 – mary

  2. Your tortilla is gorgeous as is your serving platter!

  3. I’m so glad that you ended up making this. It is a perfect dish to make when you don’t have a menu planned and can clean out what you have in the fridge. I bet it was so good with the artichoke hearts. It looks wonderful.

  4. Your tortilla is beautiful. And even in a time squeeze this is a great dish. Glad you got it done.

  5. Ah, you caved… How did you like it with the potatoes?

  6. Like you, I found this to be an easy assignment, and I found I really appreciated the potatoes in the tortilla, as opposed to their usual position on the side.

  7. Yours look lovely – I think maybe I would brown the onions and crisp up the potatoes to give it more oomph, what do you think? But then … there’s always hot sauce! And of course … as you say – bacon! (And by the way, I have recent;y become all too familiar with hate mail! Long story, but – grrrr.)

  8. That tortilla looks so good with the golden brown top! I especially like the avocado and tomato dish on the side.

  9. Love your serving platter! (I also like the clean-out-the-fridge approach 🙂 )

  10. Count me in as someone who loves the idea of cleaning up the fridge with this tortilla! I love that top photo!

  11. Your tortilla’s profile is very good-looking. I like the size of the potato chunks. I cut mine were much smaller. Tasted fine, but not as pretty. As good as the tortilla looks, my mouth is drooling over the lasagna in your previous post. I have to try that recipe. Looks like perfect comfort food, especially with the great mounds of snow outside my window.

  12. Yours looks wonderful, and the additions sound even better!!!

  13. I am glad to see the taters. GREG

  14. Well, for a last minute dinner, your tortilla turned out perfect!!! Gorgeous photos~

  15. I loved this dish for it’s ease of preparation. Eggs and potatoes are truly comfort food for me! Yours came out awesome…love the last photo!

  16. The boy gave into the pressure. Or was it that you just truely didn’t have anything planned. Like Laura from waunderlust says it’s the BOF Tortilla. AKA bottom of the fridge. Of course it looks fab as usual. B:-)

  17. Looks great! I didn’t get around to this one on Friday, but it may end up being dinner one night this week. All of your add-ins sound yummy.

  18. Your potato tortilla looks great. I could grab that plate from your first photo and run off with it!

  19. Me too! Since we have chickens we always have a refrigerator full of eggs and when I’ve nothing planned for dinner we usually have a kale frittata with tomato sauce and crusty bread. Mmmm. And while I made this Thursday night, I didn’t get a chance to write anything about it until today.

  20. Your use of depth of field in these photos is as deliciously swoon-inducing as the subjects themselves.

    But I must say I’m shocked to learn you have potatoes lurking in the house, waiting for an opportunity to defile a protein-rich egg dish with their carbtacular menace.

    May as well throw in some penne and a couple of Wheat Thins too.

    And with bathing suit season — 2012 — so close!

