Curried Chicken en Papillote

A Food Revolution! French Fridays with Dorie Curried Chicken en Papillote should hardly be considered a revolutionary act. But then neither should being able to feed yourself. Sadly, the latter now seems to be. Or at least so says none other than Jamie Oliver, who has taken it upon himself to start a global campaign purposed […]

Haikus for a Grande Finale

French Friday’s with Dorie When we started with French Fridays with Dorie nearly 5 years ago, it didn’t take very long for me to realize there would be assignments which would not do much to inspire my writing. I would dutifully cook the dish as required. Then I would do my best to take a […]

Chicken in a Pot –
the Garlic and Lemon Version

 French Friday’s with Dorie: The Big Finish? (or “How I spent my last 4 years, 7 months and 21 days”) Four years, seven months and 21 days. That is how long it has been since I hit the ‘publish’ button on that very first French Friday’s with Dorie post to kick off one amazing cooking journey. […]

Sausage Stuffed Cornish Hens

French Friday’s with Dorie: A Food Revolution! Today is Food Revolution Day and for me that means sausage stuffed Cornish hens. The day was started by celebrity chef Jamie Oliver to encourage all manner of food people around the blogosphere to do something, to do anything, that gets kids interested in eating and cooking good food. […]

Duck Breasts with Fresh Peaches

Another French Friday’s with Dorie written entirely in haiku. This one featuring Duck Breasts with Fresh Peaches which surprisingly was a a perfect dish for an evening of dining in, alone.

Chicken Diable – all parts considered

French Friday’s with Dorie Chicken Diable I know there are some people who are not fans of good quality French Dijon mustard but I don’t really care much to know them let alone feed them. This Chicken Diable is too good for them anyway. OK, sure, that may be a bit harsh so lets just […]

Chicken Curry with Peas Alone or as a Pot Pie

Back in my twenties when I wasn’t the glamorous, well-thought-of domestic and entertainment guru and internationally famous food blogger that I am today, I did something I’ve never before admitted to.  I knew it wasn’t the best thing to do but still, I did it. So here goes my admission: I once served dinner guests […]

Cheez-it-ish Crackers

French Friday’s with Dorie Haiku Catch-Up Despite the Grand Dorista Powers That Be trying to be kind with their choices of assignments from “Around My French Table” by Dorie Greenspan due to the holiday season, I have been too lazy or just  unable to participate much.  I managed recently to cook up these three dishes […]

Chicken Paillard with Lemon and Black Pepper with Arugula-Tomato Salad

It gets said that whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. Actually, I’m the one who says it. A lot. I never utter it in response to fatal threats, however, so I really can’t tell you if its true or not. Rather, I prefer to exploit what I feel is the expression’s inherent irony and […]

Chicken Basquaise

French Fridays with Dorie – Haiku edition Piment d’Espelette: its fancy chili powder “made in the Basque style” Peppers abundant! with a chicken in the pot who would dislike this? Extra pipérade? You do if you are lucky. (Scrambled egg topping.) Chicken Basquaise as interpreted by Dorie Greenspan First, make the pipérade from Dorie’s recipe […]

M. Jacques’ Armagnac Chicken

French Fridays with Dorie – Haiku Chicken in a pot A meal everyone should know. Dorie does many. As far as they go, “Les paresseux” is better. Still, this was tasty. Skin needed broiling. “Admire the brown chicken!” (Who was she kidding? M. Jacques’ Armagnac Chicken Recipe found here at New York Times I never […]

Chinese Chicken Salad

As you would expect, there is a story about this Chinese Chicken Salad. My friend Mei-Ling came over for dinner not long ago and even though we hadn’t seen each other in  years we were able to “pick it right up” as if it had only been days.   I always love it when that […]

Twenty Minute Honey-Glazed Duck Breasts

A good savory duck dish reminds me of the way chicken used to taste 20 years ago before the chicken industry turned most grocery market chicken into the mostly tasteless vehicle for sauce we have grown all to familiar with these days.

Yogurt Marinated Chicken Kebabs Chunky Beets & Icy Red Onion Salad & Cardamom Rice Pilaf

French Friday’s with Dorie  “Just eat your beets then you can have dessert.” I can still hear the sound of my mom’s voice admonishing me as a kid to just finish them. I let her do it but I never did tell her my secret. When beets were served I would always save them to […]

Cuban “Mojo” Chicken (and Sandwiches!)

The orientation toward eating yesterday’s dinner today does not have to be thought of as an abomination. Perhaps earlier societies would look upon it that way but then things were different then. People were more ignorant of the world around them and perhaps more fearful of the things it it which they did not understand. […]