This kiwi fruit tart was practically free! Talk about generous! Each Tuesday the company where I work fills up our staff kitchen with fruit for us to snack on all week long. I know what you must be thinking right now and yes, I do have a day job thankyouverymuch. But yeah, this […]
Vanilla Bourbon Bundt Cake aka “Bundt Cake Gladys”
Perhaps you have heard the seasonal music playing in stores around town and wondered how this momentous day seems to arrive earlier and earlier each year? Familiar smells of the season catch your notice as they waft through neighborhood kitchens. You then begin to realize, yup, its that time. Yes, its National Bundt Day today which means […]
My Grandma’s Saffron Poached Pears
Saffron Poached Pears These are my grandmother’s pears. The recipe comes from the quirky handwritten recipe books she left behind. A dessert so beautiful and so easy to make. It could never be said that her recipe style tilted to the exotic so its surprising that she even knew what saffron was. They […]
Saffron Coconut Ice Cream
Don’t you love a sure thing? I’m not referring to “Sure Thing” as in the 1980’s definition of the term implying someone who can be counted on to deliver sex on a date. Don’t get me wrong…if I recall correctly those kind of sure things could be nice too and they certainly have their place […]
Black Pepper Cherry Crisp
A bag of late season Bing cherries made it into my cart tonight. It was purely an impulse buy as I had nothing in mind for them when I reached out and rescued them from the supermarket display. Eh, they where were on special. That alone is usually not enough to persuade me to buy […]
Honey Spiced Madeleines
French Fridays with Dorie I wanted to write a poetic masterpiece describing all manner of involuntary memories my recent encounter these Honey Spiced Madeleines provoked of me. That sort of thing is my stock in trade at Sis. Boom [blog!] after all and I do hate to disappoint! This perfect, tiny, fall predicting jewel […]
Espresso Granita with Whipped Cream -Granita di Espresso con Panna
Only a few short weeks ago we were in Rome and we had the most fantastic Espresso Granita can panna I had ever had. I’m sure the surroundings had nothing to do with my opinion of it either. Just in case you were wondering. This Espresso Granita recipe is certainly evocative of all that is Roman.
Toasted Coconut Ice Cream (w/Mango Sorbet)
There are times when I am suddenly quite susceptible to the power of suggestion. I get a bit caught off guard by it to tell you the truth. Perhaps I am just being lazy and lack the energy necessary to summon up creativity and initiative. You know, those essential elements required to come up with […]
Frozen Bananas Dipped in Chocolate
A Special Post for our Second Blogoversary! This Frozen Bananas Dipped in Chocolate post marks Sis Boom Blog’s second “Blogoversary”! I’m still blaming and cursing Ms. Fig for this whole thing and now I see she hasn’t even posted since April! Sigh. If I quit I can I blame her for that too? Every time […]
Pistachio Ice Cream – Learn from it!
It goes without saying that foods bring about memories but did you ever stop to consider that they also have a duty to impart life’s more simple lessons on us? Obviously I knew about the memories part for I wouldn’t even have a blog if memories weren’t part of most recipes. That said, I hadn’t […]
Lime Mascarpone Sorbet
I’m sure you are tempted to start in on me with some”that’s not sorbet, it’s sherbet” stuff. I wouldn’t blame you. Most definitions will turn on the introduction of a dairy to move the dish from sorbet territory into sherbet-land. My boyfriend David Lebovitz will still tell you he sees “the terms used interchangeably, even […]
Candied Orange Peels – Grandma Style!
Could Candied Orange Peels be my birthright? A sweet journey through grandma’s kitchen If you grew up with the joy of visiting your grandmother, you likely know the golden rule: at Grandma’s house, you get to eat all the forbidden snacks. My grandmother was no exception. Sure, she would pretend to honor my mother’s strict […]
Tourteau de Chevre
French Fridays with Dorie I don’t know if the saying “better late than never” is really true or not but I can tell you if I had never sampled this tourteau de chevre I would have been very disappointed. I know. If I had never sampled the tourteau I would not have known enough to […]
Peanut Butter and Jelly Bars
My Persian ‘in-laws slash extended family’ number into the double dozens at an average get together. It took me a couple years to figure out which of the ‘cousins’ were actually cousins and which were, you know, ‘cousins’. It hardly mattered as once you are loved by one of them you are Family. Period. I […]
Lemon Olive Oil Cake
with Cardamom Cream
It was the peak of citrus season in Southern California I wasn’t getting any! Since I didn’t get any last year I was having quite a dry spell. There is nobody is more appreciative of my fruit tree growing friends’ largesse than I am but it was once again looking as if another season was […]