Every now and then I have to get my geek on with this blog as its not supposed to always be about food. So, if you happen to have a Series 2 or higher Tivo connected to your home network via a router you should try this trick. Go into your menu and set it to run a slide show off of one of your online Picasa albums. (You can also set it to run random Picasa images based on keywords you select such as”nature” or “modern art”.) I will frequently take pictures of art I like and run the slide-show when company comes. My favorite art will get flashed across the screen every few minutes and the TV will never look better. For Valentines day I had the TV running pictures of hearts and antique valentines. Last week I set up an entire album with hundreds of pictures of our cat for her birthday party but forgot to run it. Oh well. Here she is relaxing and enjoying one of the latest shows.
Tivo as Art
March 18, 2010 by Leave a Comment
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