You’re Having a What?

Tomorrow we are throwing a birthday party for our cat, Margarita. She is one year old tomorrow and its been 9 months since she joined our family. I do realize that by sharing these plans with you I risk sounding completely pathetic. You might get images of my Dear Husband and I going completely nuts fawning all over our cat in a sad sort of way when you contemplate our party plans. “How sad…these two old gay guys and their cat….” I wouldn’t blame you but believe me, we think the imagery is funny too! That is exactly why we decided to not only do it but embrace it and go completely overboard! Balloons, cake, the works. (If I could afford it I would have rented a clown.) You can’t laugh at us if we are the ones telling the joke. Well you can but we’ll be laughing too.

Actually this is just an excuse to have some of our friends from work over for cocktails. They have been witnessing my transformation into a devoted cat person this past year so it is fitting to invite them to celebrate this milestone in our daughter’s life. (See, I’m messin’ with you just a bit too.)

We would like to be able to say we named her after the famous Russian novel by Mikhail Bulgakov, “The Master and Margarita” but we can’t. Naming her turned into the most difficult decision our married life and we couldn’t seem to agree. The compromise was to name her after our favorite cocktail — something we DID agree on. So guess what our party theme is? Easy, huh? Her guests will be enjoying south-of-the-border treats and, or course, Margaritas. I’ll have more on the party later as I want to share with you my organization technique since the decision to have this party on a worknight had some ramifications. Maybe a recipe of two as well. Here’s our girl playing with a mouse and a balloon:

About Trevor Kensey

I don't know what “Sis. Boom. [blog!]" means either. But, if a post makes even a small 'boom' in your day, I would be happy. Please don't call me a "foodie", or even a food blogger. I prefer "food raconteur" thank you very much.
Each bite tells a story...

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  1. It’s not sad at all! We celebrate the cat’s birthdays, our half-birthdays, whatever excuse we can find to celebrate:) If it’s been a stressful day – sometimes I call time out on the mundane bullshit and tell the husband & kids we are having a Happy Tuesday party & going out to dinner…

    Happy Birthday Margarita! (Mine is Sunday…I will definitely be having a few margaritas myself.)

  2. That is adorable!!!
