Hot Cookies On Call.

Hot Cookies

We had an impromptu Lost Finale Party on Sunday and I was too lazy to cook anything last minute so we ordered Persian take out. One look and you’ll see why I’d hardly call it a consolation meal — even though it did lack a certain creativity called for for such an event. My friend Rick over at Bittersweet was in the spirit, however, and served up some Dharma Truffles for the occasion. Do check out his blog. I know of no other blogger courageous enough to experiment with Nyquil as an ingredient in baking. (Now, I did once use cherry flavored hydrocodone syrup in an attempt to update the classic cosmopolitan but you certainly won’t see me admitting that public do you?)

No, my guests weren’t treated to anything cute and thematic, nor were they treated to anything from the medicine cabinet. My guests had to make do with plain old fresh baked chocolate chip cookies. Again. I know…this blog has been nothing but chocolate chip cookies lately but really, when one is tired of chocolate chip cookies, one is tired of life. Right?

Last week when making that last batch by Jacques Torres I actually thought ahead and scooped a bunch into some containers for freezing. Wallah! Cookies on call for just such an impromptu event. 15 minutes of thaw, 15 minutes of bake and there you have it. A plate of warm cookies to serve with vanilla ice cream for dessert. Not too exciting or creative but seriously, we all needed some comfort food to mourn the loss of our favorite show, Lost. (And in case my trainer is reading this, yes, I did eat one with vanilla ice cream. I was distraught I’m telling you. )

Hot Cookies


About Trevor Kensey

I don't know what “Sis. Boom. [blog!]" means either. But, if a post makes even a small 'boom' in your day, I would be happy. Please don't call me a "foodie", or even a food blogger. I prefer "food raconteur" thank you very much.
Each bite tells a story...

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  1. Friend,

    Thank you for the link. That was very kind of you. These cookie look outstanding. Jacques Torres is always a winner. This picture makes me hungry.

    There should be a t-shirt: “when one is tired of cookies, one is tired of life”.

    Hope you liked the show. And I think I have to try that cosmo.

  2. Anonymous says

    Voila is the correct spelling, not Wallah; it’s French.

  3. Dear anonymous…I’m 99% sure the “wallah” was facetious.

    Finally watched the finale last night. We had planned to do something but then a dental emergency (me) and sick daughter made us postpone. The ending…nicely done…would have like more explanations, but…oh well. Thanks for the link to Rick’s Dharma Truffles…yummy!

  4. Rick does some fun desserts, that is for sure. I pretty much gave up on explanations for Lost but I had hoped for a more dazzling reconciliation for the ‘flash sideways’.

    And yes, I think I might know who was kind enough to correct me but I live in a house where English is a second language and “V” is rarely pronounced correctly because it doesn’t exist in language number one. One of many inside references I use to see if certain people are reading!
